Dirt Rider Heaven
"Dirt Rider Heaven" is a renowned destination for motocross enthusiasts. Situated in Mogumber, just over an hour's drive north of Midland, this motocross ride park spans 150 acres of pristine land, providing an expansive and thrilling riding experience for visitors.
The park boasts a diverse range of motocross tracks designed to cater to riders of all ages and skill levels. Among its offerings are four senior tracks, each tailored to accommodate experienced riders. Additionally, there is a designated junior track suitable for smaller bikes and riders, as well as a dedicated beginners' area. The beginners' section includes a specially designed peewee 50-sized track, perfect for young and aspiring riders looking to hone their skills.
A notable feature of "Dirt Rider Heaven" is its recently unveiled 6-kilometer enduro circuit, featuring a variety of challenging terrains. This circuit adds an extra dimension to the riding experience, making it an appealing choice for those seeking adventure and variety.
The senior tracks at the park are renowned for their array of jumps, primarily characterized by table tops with spacious landings. These jumps are designed to accommodate riders of all proficiency levels, ensuring that riders can enjoy the thrill of jumping at their desired intensity while prioritizing safety and accessibility.
-Dirt Rider Heaven is a motocross ride park located in Mogumber.
There are six riding areas covering 150 acres of land with motocross tracks to suit all ages and abilities. These include four senior tracks, one junior/small bike track, and a beginners area that includes a peewee 50 size track for young riders. The senior tracks have a variety of jumps, mostly table tops with long landings so you can jump as big as you want and land safely at any riding level.
- The park also has a new 6km enduro circuit with a range of challenging terrain
- Family-friendly
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